Actor Headshots Dallas: Professional Photography Services

For actors in Dallas, a professional headshot is crucial for making a strong first impression. Headshots are often the first thing casting directors see, and a well-executed one can open doors to new opportunities. Given the competitive nature of the industry, investing in a high-quality headshot is essential.

By working with our experienced photographer at TRG Headshots, actors can ensure that their headshots stand out in a crowded field. At TRG Headshots, we understand the importance of capturing an actor's unique personality and potential. 

We advise actors to review our portfolio and consult with us first to make sure we’re the best fit for their needs. The right headshot can significantly impact an actor's career, making it worth the effort to make sure we’re the right match.

DFW Actor

if you answer yes to any of the following questions, your first step is a new headshot…

  • Want more auditions?

  • Want to be chosen for roles?

  • Want to get noticed by casting directors?

  • Want to be cast in commercials, TV & films?

  • Want to be a professional actor?

  • Want to get paid for acting?

  • Want to earn a living as an actor?

Actor Headshot Packages

Several actor headshot packages are available in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex designed to cater to different needs and budgets. Below, we explore the variety of packages offered and the specific details each one includes.

Your Studio Session is 100% Free! ($250 value)  Each completely retouched Headshot in High-Resolution JPG format is only $179.00.  Select a package below for HUGE savings on multiple images. That is it. 

Zero Risk To You. 

Book your session, Show up on time, See your photos as they are taken and if you don’t like what you see, you don’t have to buy them.

Want to save 50% on a specialized package?   Bring one friend, relative, or coworker who also wants headshots to the studio with you to split the price of any package! Press the button below to view packages

A strong portfolio accentuates the talent and versatility of actors through meticulously crafted headshots and impactful testimonials from satisfied clients.

Choosing the right package can greatly enhance the professional image required for auditions, TV, commercials, or other acting opportunities. Each option ensures quality portraits suited for different stages of an actor's career, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

The first step to being chosen for every role is getting noticed.  Your exposure to every talent scout, agent, and casting director begins with a Headshot.

If you can’t get noticed, then how can you get chosen?

Find out how easily and quickly you can get noticed with an

Amazing New Headshot!

TRG Headshots is here to help you get noticed easily and quickly.


Client Testimonials

Booking Information

Customers looking to schedule a headshot photography session in Dallas can find detailed information below on booking procedures, availability options, and necessary payments. Understanding this process ensures a smooth experience from start to finish.

How to Book

To book a headshot photography session, customers can contact the studio via phone or through an online booking form on the TRG Headshots website. When initiating a booking, they should provide their preferred date and time, along with any specific requirements or preferences for the session. The studio may also request additional details such as the purpose of the headshots and any wardrobe notes. Confirmation is usually provided within 24-48 hours, along with any preparatory instructions.


Our photographer in Dallas typically offers flexible availability to accommodate various client schedules. Sessions are often available on weekdays, weekends, and some evenings, depending on the current workload. 

Customers should book well in advance, especially during peak seasons, to secure their desired time slots.


No client pays until they’ve selected their headshots for editing. This provides you with NO RISK and a 100% satisfaction guarantee. All payments are processed through PayPal.

Preparation Tips

Proper preparation for headshots in Dallas ensures the session goes smoothly and results in high-quality photos. Following these steps can help anyone feel confident and look their best.

Before the Shoot

Preparation should start a few days before the shoot. 

What to wear

Choose outfits that match your profession and objectives. Solid colors work best, avoiding busy patterns. Ensure that clothing is clean and wrinkle-free. Consult with the photographer about what backgrounds and lighting will be used so the outfits complement the settings.

Grooming Essentials

Personal grooming is crucial. Hair should be freshly cut or styled, and nails trimmed. Men should consider shaving or trimming facial hair, while women might want to book a professional makeup artist to ensure a polished look. 

How to look your best

Getting enough rest the night before and staying hydrated helps the skin look its best. Hydrate the day before! You would be surprised at how much of a difference being hydrated means to the freshness of your headshots. This also means NO ALCHOHOL! Drinking the day before will dehydrate you and therefore take away from the vibrance and quality of your headshot.

During the Shoot

Staying relaxed and composed helps bring out the best expressions. The photographer may provide directions for posing, but being comfortable in front of the camera is key. Bring a variety of outfits to give the photographer more options to work with different lighting or backgrounds.

After the Shoot

Once the shoot is done, TRG Headshots Dallas will typically provide proof for selection within 24 hours via email. Take the time to review these carefully, considering which images best represent your personality and professional goals. High-resolution selects are usually touched up to remove any minor imperfections.

Organize the final headshots digitally for easy access. Different versions may be needed for various purposes, making it helpful to have them saved in multiple formats. Sharing the headshots with a network of casting directors and keeping them updated regularly ensures continued relevance in the professional sphere.

About Us

acting headshot photographers

TRG Headshots in Dallas specializes in professional headshot photography for actors. Our studio provides a welcoming environment with top-notch equipment, and our experienced Dallas photographer is dedicated to delivering high-quality portraits that help actors make a great first impression.

Company History on TRG Headshots in Dallas

Founded in 2010, TRG Headshots quickly became a trusted name in the Dallas Headshots photography scene. Initially focused on portraits, the studio soon expanded to include specialized headshot photography for actors. Over the years, the studio has evolved with the latest technology, ensuring that clients receive the best possible images. The commitment to quality and customer satisfaction has helped TRG Headshots build a loyal client base.

Our Mission

TRG Headshots aims to provide exceptional headshot photography that captures the unique personality of each actor. The studio's mission is to ensure that every client leaves with a portrait that enhances their portfolio and increases their chances of landing roles. Through a combination of technical expertise and creative vision, TRG Headshots strives to set the standard for actor headshots in Dallas.

Frequently Asked Questions

best actor headshots near me

Professionals and aspiring actors in Dallas often inquire about factors such as costs, session preparation, and selecting the best type of headshot.

What factors influence the cost of professional headshots in Dallas?

Several factors affect pricing, such as the photographer's experience, the length of the session, and the number of final images. Studio location and additional services like makeup and retouching also play a role.

Do actors still do actor headshots in Dallas?

Yes, actor headshots remain essential in Dallas. Casting directors, agents, and theater companies still require updated headshots for auditions and portfolios. High-quality headshots help actors stand out in a competitive market.

Why is there a significant price range for acting headshots?

The price range varies due to each photographer's expertise, session complexity, and extra services. Experienced photographers may charge more but often deliver superior results. Options like multiple outfits or various backgrounds can increase costs.

What should I expect to pay on average for actor headshots in the Dallas area?

In Dallas, actor headshots typically cost between $200 and $600. Prices can be higher for renowned photographers or comprehensive packages. It's important to consider the value of expertise and quality when choosing a photographer.

What are some tips for getting high-quality headshots for acting purposes?

Choose a professional photographer with a strong portfolio. Discuss your requirements and preferences with them. Wear simple, neutral clothing that highlights your features. Ensure your hair and makeup appear natural and clean.

How do I prepare for a professional headshot session in the Dallas region?

Get plenty of rest before the shoot to look your best. Stay hydrated and eat a healthy meal. Practice different expressions in the mirror to determine which ones are most flattering. Communicate with your photographer about your goals and any concerns.

What is the best type of headshot for actors?

The best headshot captures the actor's authentic look and personality. A neutral background keeps the focus on the subject. Lighting should be balanced to highlight facial features without harsh shadows. The goal is to create a realistic yet engaging representation.

Do I smile in a headshot?

Decide based on the roles you pursue. A warm, genuine smile works for commercial roles, while a neutral or serious expression suits dramatic parts. Having a mix of both types available can be advantageous.

What makes a perfect headshot?

Perfect headshots are sharp, well-lit, and accurately represent the actor's current look. They exude confidence and approachability, making the subject memorable. Expressions should be natural and relaxed, reflecting the actor's unique personality.